Software + resources

Open source software

We use, build, and contribute to a range of OSS projects. Send us a PR!


Delphi combines the idea of content-addressable code with probabilistic models. Inspired by the Unison programming language’s idea of a code store for depositing functions, Delphi provides a runtime and repository for probabilistic models that can then be invoked against observations, combined, and compared.

See our recent publication for an of probabilistic methods applied to chemistry.


This library for the RP2040 microcontroller combines the low-level precision of bare-metal programming with the convenience and interactivity of MicroPython by providing access to most RP2040 hardware registers.


A very cheap and hacky microscope XY stage powered by old CD/DVD drives and Arduino.


Scholarships / studentships

Are you looking to dip your toes into research or start a degree? Below you can find a list of funders providing financial support to students considering joining us for a research project/placement, internship, or MSc/PhD degree.

Carnegie Trust Vacation Scholarship

Who is it for? Undergraduate students at Scottish Universities

What is covered? Full-time stipend for 2–12 weeks

Where to apply? Here

Aerosol Society Undergraduate Research Bursary

Who is it for? Undergraduate students at UK or Republic of Ireland universities

What is covered? A minimum of six weeks of paid research to work on an aerosol-related project

Where to apply? Please contact Hessam directly via email.

China Scholarship Programme (CSC)

Who is it for? Chinese undergraduate or master’s students applying to start a PhD

What is covered? Stipend + fees for your PhD programme

Where to apply? Here but please make Hessam aware of your intention to apply as soon as possible

Commonwealth Scholarships

Who is it for? Undergraduate or master’s students from Commonwealth countries

What is covered? PhD stipend + fees

Where to apply? Here but please make Hessam aware of your intention to apply as soon as possible

Other sources

For PhD studentships, the University of Glasgow has compiled a helpful list of potential funders that can be accessed here. Please note that many of these opportunities are discipline-specific and may not be applicable.

If you are considering applying for a studentship via one of these pathways, please contact Hessam as soon as possible to coordinate any necessary paperwork or next steps.