Welcoming Josu

We are delighted to welcome Josu to the group. Josu is visiting us from the Public University of Navarre (UPNA)’s celebrated UPNALAB group, well known for their creative solutions touching human-computer interaction, different domains of engineering, physics, and yes, chemistry. He will be staying with us until early July as he looks at the possibilities of controlling chemicals using sound waves.

More about Josu


My name is Josu Irisarri and I came from Spain as a visiting researcher to learn about sound chemistry and aerosols within my 3rd PhD year. I’m really grateful for having the opportunity of sharing science, time and passion in Mehr research group at the Advance Research Center (ARC) of the University of Glasgow. I got in touch with Hessam Mehr after he came to Pamplona to visit our laboratory (UPNALAB). I was later invited to an acoustic chemistry workshop at Glasgow where I could present my research work of the past years. After that, I got on board into this lovely journey.

The UPNALAB crew wowed Hessam with their fascinating research projects last year.

This experience will be crucial not only for my personal career but also for developing my transversal skills, such as, multicultural communication or networking. Here in the ARC there are researcher from many different countries all around the world with whom I’m always enjoying good conversations.  My current main interests are in human computer interaction and contactless haptics and I’m willing to spread my maker and technical knowledge among this laboratory family.

Josu busy with experiments in the lab.

Taking black coffee with hot milk in a glass with ice cubes is my favourite activity when sited on a terrace surrounded by friends and sunny nice day. You can find me hiking the highest mountains of Scotland or visiting the mysterious lakes and islands around. Sometime I like to stop for local beer and food or trying to pronounce right the Scottish accent with words like “Hiya”, “Awright”, “Wee”, “Hapnin” or “Edinbruh”. The climate isn’t the best, although since I’m here it is mainly sunny. They say that I have brought the good weather somehow.

¡Hasta la vista!